Engineering involves the design and installation of pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, such as sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes, traffic signals and signs, and trails.
Policy guidance
Bicycle Occupancy Permit Removed from PennDOT Design Manual
PennDOT issued a policy change removing the Bicycle Occupancy Permit from its design manual (see Strike Off Letter). Moving forward, local governments will need only provide a letter of request for the proposed bicycle lane that includes the necessary information for PennDOT to appropriately evaluate the request. After a review, a letter of approval will be issued by the department. This will replace the previous requirement for a formal agreement between PennDOT and the municipality.
PennDOT issued a policy change removing the Bicycle Occupancy Permit from its design manual (see Strike Off Letter). Moving forward, local governments will need only provide a letter of request for the proposed bicycle lane that includes the necessary information for PennDOT to appropriately evaluate the request. After a review, a letter of approval will be issued by the department. This will replace the previous requirement for a formal agreement between PennDOT and the municipality.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Policy Study (May 2016)
The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) commissioned this study to strengthen PennDOT’s policy for bicycles and pedestrians and establish new methods for policy implementation and follow-through. This report presents the TAC’s bicycle and pedestrian policy recommendations to the State Transportation Commission (STC) for its consideration and endorsement.
The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) commissioned this study to strengthen PennDOT’s policy for bicycles and pedestrians and establish new methods for policy implementation and follow-through. This report presents the TAC’s bicycle and pedestrian policy recommendations to the State Transportation Commission (STC) for its consideration and endorsement.
Design guidance
Design Guidelines
- AASHTO Green Book 2018; AASHTO store
- AASHTO Bike Guide (Updated guide anticipated in 2020)
- Bikeway Selection Guide (FHWA)
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) -PDF document
Bicycle parking
Guidance + publications on
Calming Traffic and building Complete streets
creating multimodal Networks
Integrating land use + transportation
pedestrian safety