Design communities that make it safe and easy for people of all ages and abilities to bike; promote programs and policies to support biking; and provide information to encourage biking and bikability.
Use subdivision and land development ordinances to create or enhance bikeable communitiesLocal policies have the most direct impact on how the built environment supports walking and biking at the site, neighborhood, and community levels. Municipal ordinances and zoning regulations should be regularly reviewed to identify and remove barriers for walking and biking and to include policies that will improve conditions for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Design for people of all ages and abilities
Provide ample bike parking!
Provide high quality, APBP-compliant, bicycle parking throughout your community.
Provide high quality, APBP-compliant, bicycle parking throughout your community.
Apply for a Bicycle Friendly America℠ designation
The League of American Bicyclist's Bicycle Friendly America program provides a roadmap, hands-on assistance and recognition for states, communities, universities and businesses. The BFA℠ program is a tool for states, communities, business and universities to make bicycling a real transportation and recreation option for all people.
Interested in applying? Send us a note and let us know! SPC staff is available to provide technical assistance to communities in our 10-county region.
A Bicycle Friendly Community, Business, or University welcomes bicyclists by providing safe accommodations for bicycling and encouraging people to bike for transportation and recreation. A bicycle-friendly place makes bicycling safe, comfortable, and convenient for people of all ages and abilities.
The League of American Bicyclist's Bicycle Friendly America program provides a roadmap, hands-on assistance and recognition for states, communities, universities and businesses. The BFA℠ program is a tool for states, communities, business and universities to make bicycling a real transportation and recreation option for all people.
Interested in applying? Send us a note and let us know! SPC staff is available to provide technical assistance to communities in our 10-county region.
A Bicycle Friendly Community, Business, or University welcomes bicyclists by providing safe accommodations for bicycling and encouraging people to bike for transportation and recreation. A bicycle-friendly place makes bicycling safe, comfortable, and convenient for people of all ages and abilities.
Participate in PlacesForBikes
PlacesForBikes is a PeopleForBikes program to develop, connect and celebrate great places to ride. PlacesForBikes complements the Bicycle Friendly America program. PlacesForBikes focuses on quickly building better bike infrastructure, whereas the Bicycle Friendly America program looks comprehensively at everything communities can and should be doing for bicycling. Both programs help communities improve their bicycling opportunities, and participation is highly encouraged.
PlacesForBikes is a PeopleForBikes program to develop, connect and celebrate great places to ride. PlacesForBikes complements the Bicycle Friendly America program. PlacesForBikes focuses on quickly building better bike infrastructure, whereas the Bicycle Friendly America program looks comprehensively at everything communities can and should be doing for bicycling. Both programs help communities improve their bicycling opportunities, and participation is highly encouraged.
Effective messaging for promoting biking + walking
Celebrate National Bike Month
May is National Bike Month, sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists and celebrated in communities from coast to coast. Established in 1956, National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling -and is a great way to encourage more folks to give biking a try.
May is National Bike Month, sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists and celebrated in communities from coast to coast. Established in 1956, National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling -and is a great way to encourage more folks to give biking a try.
- If they don't already do so, ask your municipality to proclaim May as National Bike Month
- Plan a National Bike Month event for your community or workplace
- Plan a Bike to Work Day event for your workplace
Plan Safe Routes to School programs and Bike to School Day events
Learn more >
Learn more >
Organize bike rides and promote biking
Bike Pittsburgh (BikePGH)
With a focus on Advocacy, Education, and Community, BikePGH is committed to transforming Pittsburgh streets and communities into vibrant, healthy places by making them safe and accessible for people to bike and walk. BikePGH promotes biking and increases community engagement by focusing on fun events, membership, diversity, and outreach.
With a focus on Advocacy, Education, and Community, BikePGH is committed to transforming Pittsburgh streets and communities into vibrant, healthy places by making them safe and accessible for people to bike and walk. BikePGH promotes biking and increases community engagement by focusing on fun events, membership, diversity, and outreach.
To learn more about BikePGH's Women & Biking program and to view their list of women's specific bicycling groups, click here.
To learn more about other cycling clubs and organized rides and events in the Pittsburgh area, view BikePGH's Local Cycling Calendars.
Do you have a cycling club and/or promote organized rides and events in your area? Let us know!
Hold Open Streets events
Learn more>
Learn more>
Show your support of bicycling by displaying Pennsylvania's Share the Road registration plate. To apply for this registration plate, which became available in August 2016, please complete Form MV-917, “Application for Share the Road Registration Plate.” |
printer-friendly resources
- CommuteInfo brochure -encourage bike commuting and the Emergency Ride Home program!
- Economic Benefits Fact Sheet (League of American Bicyclists)
- Street Smarts / Safe Cycling (CommuteInfo)
- Ten Myths About Women + Cycling (League of American Bicyclists)
Economic benefits of biking / Publications
- Economic Benefits Fact Sheet (League of American Bicyclists)